Today is the National Holiday in Sweden. In recent years the National Holiday has become the subject of much argumentation as to its validity and whether or not it is inclusive or exclusive. I browsed through the major editorials covering the broad spectrum of views on this subject, as well as the public commentary following […]

Happy 1-year-old Birthday dear Nina!

“What do we actually know outside of media, a mobile video showing police chasing after hooded men handing out fliers and the witnesses they quote?”

“Whatever one’s opinions may be, I just hope for the sake of the democracy in Sweden that Swedes can be a bit more self-critical and ask if there’s possible something wrong with the surströmmings-politics they are forced to endure every day and take for granted.”

“In so many words, the Islamic State is foremost going after infidels among Muslims and due to their campaign either the hatred from the west (Crusaders) will destroy the “grayzone” (Muslims in the West) or the Jihadist will or they join the Islamic State – there is nowhere for them to hide. Once all the righteous Muslims are united, the western infidels will be next…”

“Är Sverige redo att handskas med konsekvenserna av att temporärt säga nej till asylrätten och få tiotusentals flyktingar att behöva återvända till någon annastans i Europa, och konsekvenserna detta har för de andra länderna?”

“Om Danmark och Norge har rasistisk och fascistisk retorik i deras politik som dessa uttalanden säger, är det inte då logiskt att dra slutsatsen att rasism och fascism måste vara två av de bästa metoderna för att skapa några av världens främsta länder eftersom både Norge och Danmark ligger inom top-20-listor i världsundersökningar angående nästan alla faktorer? “

“It is a like a downward spiral. The more Sweden focuses on receiving refugees, the less money goes to refugee camps, the more refugees leave their camps and come to Sweden, who needs more money to receive them and takes it from the relief and aid portion of the budget which results in even worse conditions at the camps, resulting in more refugees leaving and try to come to Europe – an evil circle without an end.”

“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.”

“The best teachers don’t hand you the answers on a silver platter, but point out the way and let you make up you own mind about which road and which destination, while advising where the ditches are.”